Invisalign Options For Smiles Of All Ages in Pittsburgh

Invisalign in Pittsburgh - Sepic Orthodontics
By Sepic Orthodontics

Invisalign clear aligners have transformed countless smiles over the past decades with their innovative transparent treatment. While invisible aligners were originally designed for adult patients, Invisalign treatment has expanded and improved to now offer customized orthodontic solutions for people of all ages in cities like Pittsburgh.

Invisalign Treatment for Teens

Teens make up one of the largest segments of orthodontic patients, and Invisalign is proving very popular in this age group with its discreet, removable design. Pittsburgh orthodontists are seeing stunning results with teen aligners, with average treatment times of 12-18 months. Perks for Invisalign teens include fewer restrictions on sports/activities, easier hygiene and reduced pain.

Options for Kids and Pre-Teens

Advancements in Invisalign products have recently allowed orthodontists to offer aligners to even younger patients with emerging teeth or orthodontic issues. Treatments like Invisalign First (for 6-10 year olds) and Invisalign Teen (older than 10) now provide safe, effective options for children in Pittsburgh. Priority is given to allowing kids to grow naturally while correcting issues like jaw misalignment or emerging tooth crowding through each phase.

Aligners for Adults

Adults still make up a major share of those seeking straighter smiles through Invisalign in Pittsburgh. Whether motivated by a major life event or simply wanting an improved, properly aligned smile, Invisalign offers advantages for working professionals and older patients compared to traditional wire braces. Treatment times average 9-15 months.

Schedule a Consult
If you’re weighing discreet Invisalign aligners as an option for achieving a healthier, straighter smile, Pittsburgh orthodontists can analyze your particular case. Schedule a comprehensive exam to see if Invisalign is the right solution for you or your child’s needs today!